What’s a good project for the very beginner sewer? If you’re an experienced sewer, you often find yourself faced with this question from 4-H leaders, art teachers, etc. My suggestion is always a felt or ribbon bookmark. It’s a simple thing, but offers the opportunity to showcase any decorative stitches and colorful threads the newbie wants to experiment with. In addition, on felt, the edges can simply be cut with fun decorative scissors or a rotary cutter, depending on the skill and age of the novice sewer. Ribbon edges are already finished. Stitching a bookmark is also good practice for learning to stitch straight before graduating to seamlines where this is much more important.
A quick way to make a great bookmark is to fuse together two layers of felt using fusible web. This makes it sturdier than just a single felt layer and offers the option for a dual color piece. Let your new sewer stitch away and then trim the edges to finish.
You can also add beads, charms, tassels and other findings to embellish the bookmark and make it into a lovely gift for a parent or friend.
Visit www.sewing.org for more project ideas