Although this format doesn’t allow for answering individual questions, as most require much more room than a blog allows, plus extensive how-to drawings, I have received some questions from beginners about stitching Halloween costumes.
If you’ve already started sewing any of SCA’s top 10 Halloween costumes for 2008, congratulations on being an early bird. Most costumes are made frantically within the last week of the month!
Seam finishes on Halloween costumes really aren’t critical since most disguises are only worn once or twice for the holiday events. A simple straight stitch will suffice–perhaps a serged seam or a zigzagged one if the fabric is especially ravelly.
For information on several seam finishes for garments, check out the Sewing & Craft Alliance’s two Guidelines on this subject– 11.115 Seam Finishes and 11.230 Seam Finishes Part 2. Both of these do an excellent job detailing seam finishes for all kinds of fabrics.
While you’re checking out these Guidelines, let me know what topics you’d like more information on as well. Just click on “Ask Linda a question” on the bar at the right and send me your ideas.