If you’re like me, you can never have enough tote bags. Whether you leave them in the car to take with you to the grocery store, or you have one to match every outfit (and then some!), bags are terrific. I use them to store things in various rooms of my home as well…they make a lovely addition to the decor, and tend not to look like the clutter they might contain. Bags are also a great risk-free way to try out new sewing and embellishing techniques as well.
Simply Irresistible Bags offers up 45 bag options in its 128-page format, complete with large color pictures of each bag. Unlike most books, all the drawings and templates are located in the back instead of actually with the project instructions, so there’s some back and forth needed, but the results will be worth it.
Look for bags that utilize sewing, knitting and crocheting and a host of craft and sewing techniques, like applique, hand dyeing, stenciling and embroidery among the mix. Raw materials include some recyclables as well–like denim, ribbons, maps, photos and even food packaging.
So, take a peek and stow your stuff in style!
For more bag projects, visit the Purses, Bags and Totes section of www.sewing.org.